About Asylum Postcards
This website shares my collection of asylum postcards from the United States. I started collecting asylum postcards in 1997. I collect asylum postcards from all cities and all states. I also collect some sanatorium and sanitarium postcards as well as state schools for feeble minded. At this point in time I have over 1,300 asylum postcards in my collection. This website took a lot of time and effort to put together. I have been to countless postcard shows and I also search eBay many times per day. There are some other sites out there that sell postcards. I have provided a Resourses page that includes some of the legistics of collecting postcards. My collection is cataloged by state then by city and every postcard has a barcode. I have a peice of software than catalogs all postcards with title, publisher, cost, along with images of the front and backs of each postcard.